The cab’s flying at lightning speed through the streets, over the snow banks of late winter , to drop us off right in front of our little dancing haven for the night. But little did I expect what was inside. Instead of a murky, dark club where the ceilings were sure to sweat on me during the night, I stumbled in and I kid you not said to myself ‘ Holy Crap, its The Magic Kingdom’. Hundreds of intricate cranes hung from the ceiling along with handmade cherry blossoms while the walls were coated in massive paper flowers a la Georgia O’ Keefe. And all of it, glowing to the surreal qualities of black light.

This was all done by the very creative hands of two (+volunteers) of the coolest chicks in Toronto, Nici Villano and Morgan Ross, who have just started their party planning company OCTAVE. Tagline: Our goal above all is to get your feet stomping, your heart pounding and to support local artists. Come on out and see how we get er done.’
Let’s just say I danced so hard, I couldn’t feel my legs the next day. As for my heart, pounding and delighted. Partying in this space felt like, in a weird way…being at home…and all your friends came over ….and decked it out with cool art deco… and your favourite local dj (In this case, Toronto’s Ill Gates) came over to spin. Yes, that’s how good the ‘vibe’ created was. Cherry on top: There were performers, from hoop artists to dress up geishas (see below). I have my favourite party photographer, Andrija Dimitrijevic to thank for truly capturing the essence...

I just love the effort Nici and Morgan put in to creating a beautiful space to dance in. Their next event is a Japan Tsunami fundraiser, with 100% of the profits being donated. It’s on April 23 at Radiolaria, 1166 Dundas St. W. I asked Morgan if she had anything to add and she said ‘It’s all worth it just to see a lot of people dancing and having a great time.’ My heart just warmed up. They’ve got the great party recipe down.

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