There were light flurries, which turned into a legit snow fall, and by the time I decided to pick up my camera and walk out - it already stopped. Frankly, this is turning out to be an awesome winter. However, I will admit fresh snow lends itself beautifully to brighten the dull winter cityscape. (But is that really enough to make up for the destruction of shoes, slippery sidewalks, and brown slush? The answer: no.)

Do you remember the Bell Canada Campaign a few years ago with Frank and Gordon? I actually worked at Bell Canada during that time. While I don't have any attachment for the brand, I look back fondly on the beavers. Frank and Gordon were littered all over the office in costume, one of which was 'virus doctor'. Now they're retired doctors playing in the snow. (Overpaid slackers? Much like the telecom industry?) But cute, no?
What is this, you ask? No clue. It was just gangling on a tree. This is what you get when you live near OCAD.Cheers to a cozy and warm winter in the city,